Encoded Archival Context

The LEADERS Project has used an ALPHA prototype version of the Encoded Archival Context DTD. Very little documentation was provided by the authors due to the very early stage of development. In September 2003 a BETA version of the DTD was released with a more detailed tag library.

The LEADERS EAC documents and DTD differ from the BETA version, but the BETA documentation is now the only version available. In practice there are only a few changes from the ALPHA (used by LEADERS) and the BETA versions, and the significance of these for LEADERS is explained below.

Those who wish to use EAC to encode material for use in a LEADERS application are recommended to use the BETA version of the DTD which can be found at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/ BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes below.

ALPHA and BETA differences: Implications for LEADERS

eacgrp and condescgrp

These tags are introduced in the BETA version and are not recommended for use in a LEADERS application


In the BETA version, the general record type (corporatebody | person | family) has been moved from eacheader to the eac. In LEADERS it remains in eacheader. Changing this is possible, but will affect the indexing and linking between documents and is not to be undertaken without making the consequent changes to the LEADERS Toolkit

Dates of Existence

The BETA version introduces a new tag - existdate for recording the dates of existence of the subject of a persdesc, condesc or famdesc. In LEADERS the nameadd tag has been used for this purpose. Changing this will require changes to be made to the xsl stylesheets which render the EAC documents.

Navigating around the Tag Library

There are three ways in which to use the tag library.

  • Simply browse through the library
  • Choose an element by using the index
  • Choose a group of elements, and then select an individual element from that group


Added Tag Modified Tag Same as EAC
This denotes a tag added to the EAC DTD by the LEADERS Project. This denotes a EAC tag modified by LEADERS. This denotes a tag used in compliance with the EAC ALPHA DTD.



Element Groups

General Textual Elements Header (Metadata) Elements Elements describing Relationships Elements for Description Table Elements Elements for Linking Bibliographical Elements
Same as EAC


Element Description This is the outermost element.
May occur within This element is the outermost.
May contain This element may contain <eacheader> followed by <condesc>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element contains all the information regarding the creation of the contextual document.
May occur within This may occur within <eac> only.
May contain This element must contain <eacid> then <mainhis>. This element may then contain any of the following optional elements in the order given: <languagedecl>, <ruledecl>, <sourcedecl> or <authdecl>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
type - Choice #REQUIRED (c, p, f)
status - Choice #REQUIRED (draft, edited, deleted)
langencoding - "ISO 639-2b" CDATA
scriptencoding - "ISO 15924" CDATA
dateencoding - "ISO 8601" CDATA
countryencoding - "ISO 3166-1 a2" CDATA
ownerencoding - "ISO 15511" CDATA
encodinganalogsys - #IMPLIED CDATA
detaillevel - #IMPLIED %att.later;
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element gives the contextual document its own unique id code.
May occur within This element may occur within <eacheader> only.
May contain This element may contain PCDATA only.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
sysaddress - #IMPLIED Entity
countrycode - #IMPLIED CDATA
ownercode - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description The Context Description describes the people or organisation to which the EAC file refers and describes an individual or companies names, as well as any relationships, dates of birth and death or date of company creation and dissolution etc.
May occur within This may occur within <eacheader> only.
May contain This element may contain an optional <head> element, This must then be followed by <identity> and this may then be followed by any of the optional elements in the order given here: <eacrels>, <resourcerels>, <funactrels> or <desc>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element describes the identity of the person or company referred to within <condesc>, in other words, the full name and any additional information required.
May occur within This element may occur within <condesc>, <famhead>, <pershead>, <corphead> or <eacrel>.
May contain This element may contain an optional <head> element, followed by <legalid> zero or more times. <legalid> may be followed by either <persgrp> or <pershead> one or more times. Alternatively <legalid> could be followed by <corpgrp> or <corphead> one or more times or followed by <famgrp> or <famhead> one or more times.
This sequence may be followed by <nameadds> or <didentifier>, both of which may occur zero or more times.
This may be followed by the two sets of optional elements either <sourceref> or <sourcerefs>, or <note> or <notes>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element shows the value of the legal identification number for those referred to within the document (whether an individual or organisation).
May occur within This element may occur within <identity> only.
May contain This element may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <part>, %m.base;
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
valueauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
valuekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element denotes a group of individuals.
May occur within This element may occur within <identity> only.
May contain This element may contain <pershead> followed by <pershead>, both of which may occur one or more times.
These elements may then be followed by <nameadds> zero or more times.
This may be followed by the two sets of optional elements either <sourceref> or <sourcerefs>, or <note> or <notes>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element denotes the heading of a group of individuals and is used in conjunction with the <persgrp> element.
May occur within This element may occur within <identity> or <persgrp>.
May contain %m.namehead;
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
authorized - #IMPLIED CDATA
languagecode - #IMPLIED CDATA
scriptcode - #IMPLIED CDATA
headtype - Choice #IMPLIED (earlier, later, identity)
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element describes a group of corporate organisations.
May occur within This may occur within <identity> only.
May contain This must contain <corphead> followed by <corphead> one or more times.
This may then be followed by <nameadds> zero or more times.
This may be followed by the two sets of optional elements either <sourceref> or <sourcerefs>, or <note> or <notes>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element works in tandem with the <corpgrp> element to describe the heading of a corporate body.
May occur within This element may occur within <identity> or <corpgrp>.
May contain %m.namehead;
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
authorized - #IMPLIED CDATA
languagecode - #IMPLIED CDATA
scriptcode - #IMPLIED CDATA
headtype - Choice #IMPLIED (earlier, later, identity)
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a family grouping.
May occur within This may occur within <identity> only.
May contain This element must contain <famhead> followed by <famhead> one or more times.
This may then be followed by <nameadds> zero or more times.
This may be followed by the two sets of optional elements either <sourceref> or <sourcerefs>, or <note> or <notes>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element contains the heading of a family group and is used with the <famgrp> element.
May occur within This may occur within <identity> or <famgrp>.
May contain %m.namehead;
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
authorized - #IMPLIED CDATA
languagecode - #IMPLIED CDATA
scriptcode - #IMPLIED CDATA
headtype - Choice #IMPLIED (earlier, later, identity)
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element is used as a digital identifier for a person or organisation which can be read by a machine.
May occur within This may occur within <identity> or <biohist> only.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or %m.base;
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
targetout - #IMPLIED ENTITY
type (simple) "simpe" #FIXED
arcrole - #IMPLIED CDATA
show - Choice (new, replace, embed)
actuate - #IMPLIED (onLoad, OnRequest)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element is used to describes additions inserted within the elements describing personal names within the <identity> element.
May occur within This may occur within <identity>, <famgrp>, <corpgrp> and <persgrp>.
May contain This element may contain any of the following zero or more times in any order <place>, <date> or <nameadd>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
languagecode - #IMPLIED CDATA
scriptcode - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element denotes the date or date range with reference to a personal or corporate name.
May occur within This element may occur within <pershead>, <corphead> or <famhead>.
May contain This element may contain PCDATA or %m.base; or <altdate> zero or more times in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
scope - Choice #IMPLIED (begin, end, active, begin-end)
form - Choice (single, rangeclosed, rangeopen)
era - Default "ea" CDATA
calendar - Default "gregorian" CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element contains a group of references relating to sources used to create the contextual file.
May occur within This may occur within <identity>, <eacrels>, <persgrp>, <famgrp>, <corpgrp>, <resoucrerels> and <funactrels>.
May contain This element may contain the optional element <head> followed by the required element <sourceref> one or more times.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element contains an individual reference to an external source.
May occur within This may occur within <identity>, <eacrels>, <persgrp>, <famgrp>, <corpgrp>, <resoucrerels>, <funactrels>, <corptype>, <legalstatus>, <location>, <sex> and <descentry>.
May contain This element may contain PCDATA or %m.base;, <sourceinfo> zero or more times in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
sourceref - #IMPLIED IDREF
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element contains descriptions of references to persons, families or organisations.
May occur within This element may occur within <condesc> only.
May contain This element may contain an optional <head> element followed by a required <eacrel> element.
This may then be followed by the two sets of optional elements either <sourceref> or <sourcerefs>, or <note> or <notes>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element contains a single reference description of a person, family or organisation.
May occur within This may occur within <eacrels> only.
May contain This element may contain <persname>, <corpname> or <famname> in any order.
This may then be followed by the optional elements <date>, <place> or a choice of <note> or <notes>.
This may then be followed by <source> zero or more times.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
reltype - Choice #IMPLIED (superordinate, subordinate, earlier, later, associative, coordinate, identity, other)
sysaddress - #IMPLIED Entity
countrycode - #IMPLIED CDATA
ownercode - #IMPLIED CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element contains descriptions external resources relating to the EAC file.
May occur within This may occur within <condesc> only.
May contain This element may contain an optional <head> element followed by a required <resourcerel> element.
This may then be followed by the two sets of optional elements either <sourceref> or <sourcerefs>, or <note> or <notes>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element describes a single reference to a source relating to the EAC file.
May occur within This may occur within <resourcerels> only.
May contain This element may contain <bib>, <arch> or <mus> in any order.
This may be followed by the optional elements <date>, <place> or a choice of <note> or <notes>.
This may then be followed by <source> which may occur zero or more times.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
reltype - Choice #IMPLIED (origination, destruction, control, causa, other)
sysaddress - #IMPLIED Entity
countrycode - #IMPLIED CDATA
ownercode - #IMPLIED CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes a bibliographical entry.
May occur within This may occur within <resourcerel> only.
May contain This element may contain PCDATA or any of the following in any order <name>, <title>, <edition>, <imprint>, <bibseries> and <note.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element denotes the archival source of a document, ie which archive belongs to.
May occur within This may occur within <resourcerel> only.
May contain This element may contain any of the following in any order <abstract>, <physdesc>, <note>, <repository>, <origination>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, <unittitle>, <container> or <physloc>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element describes the resource if it is from a museum.
May occur within This may occur within <resourcerel> only.
May contain This element may contain PCDATA or any of the following in any order <name>, <title>, <edition>, <imprint | bibseries> and <note.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element contains references to descriptions of related functions or activities.
May occur within This element may occur within <condesc> only.
May contain This element may contain an optional <head> element followed by a required <funacterel> element.
This may then be followed by the two sets of optional elements either <sourceref> or <sourcerefs>, or <note> or <notes>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes a single function activity relationship.
May occur within This may occur within <funactrels> only.
May contain This may contain <funact> followed by the optional elements <date> or <place> or a choice of <note> or <notes>.
This may then be followed by zero or more occurrences of <source>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
reltype - #IMPLIED %att.later; syskey - #IMPLIED CDATA
sysaddress - #IMPLIED Entity
countrycode - #IMPLIED CDATA
ownercode - #IMPLIED CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element contains of formal or chronological description of the subject of the EAC document.
May occur within This may occur within <condesc> only.
May contain This element may contain an option <head> element followed by optional corpdesc>, <persdesc>, <famdesc> elements in any order.
This may then be followed by <bioghist> or <ocd> zero or more times and in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This contains the description of a business or organisation.
May occur within This may occur within <desc> only.
May contain This may contain an optional <head> element.
This may be followed by <corptype>, <legalstatus>, <location> or <descentry> zero or more times in any order.
This may then be followed by <causa>, <funactdesc>, <assetstruct>, <env> or <ocd> in any order, zero or more times.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes the type or corporation within the EAC document.
May occur within This may occur within <corpdesc> only.
May contain This element may contain <value> followed by the optional elements <date> and <place> and a choice of the optional elements <note> or <sourceref>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes the legal status of the organisation or person.
May occur within This may occur within <corpdesc> or <persdesc> only.
May contain This element may contain <value> followed by the optional elements <date> and <place> and a choice of the optional elements <note> or <sourceref>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description The contents of this element are the name of a geographical location or an address.
May occur within This may occur within <persdesc>, <famdesc> or <corpdesc>.
May contain This element may contain <value> followed by the optional elements <address> and <place> and a choice of the optional elements <note> or <sourceref>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element describes any mandates or warrants relating to a corporation.
May occur within This may occur within <corpdesc> only.
May contain This element may contain an optional <head> element followed by <descentry> zero or more times.
This may then be followed by <address>, <chronlist>, <list>, <note>, <table> or <blockquote> in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes an activity or function.
May occur within This may occur within <corpdesc>, <persdesc> or <famdesc>.
May contain This element may contain an optional <head> element followed by <descentry> zero or more times.
This may then be followed by <address>, <chronlist>, <list>, <note>, <table> or <blockquote> in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This describes the assets or administrative structure of an organisation or family group.
May occur within This may occur within <famdesc> or <corpdesc>.
May contain This element may contain an optional <head> element followed by <descentry> zero or more times.
This may then be followed by <address>, <chronlist>, <list>, <note>, <table> or <blockquote> in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes the environment of the subject of the EAC document, in other words, the circumstances of an individual or organisation.
May occur within This may occur within <corpdesc>, <persdesc> or <famdesc>.
May contain This element may contain an optional <head> element followed by <descentry> zero or more times.
This may then be followed by <address>, <chronlist>, <list>, <note>, <table> or <blockquote> in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element can be used to add any more contextual information that is required.
May occur within This may occur within <desc>, <ocd>. <corpdesc>, <persdesc> or <famdesc>.
May contain This element may contain an optional <head> element followed by <descentry> zero or more times.
This may then be followed by <address>, <chronlist>, <list>, <note>, <table>, <blockquote> or <ocd> in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This contains the description of an individual.
May occur within This may occur within <desc> only.
May contain This element may contain an optional <head> element followed by <egalstatus>, <sex>, <location> or <descentry> in any order zero or more times.
This may then be followed by <funactdesc>, <character>, <env> or <ocd> zero or more times in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the gender of a person.
May occur within This may occur within <persdesc> and <character>.
May contain This element may contain <value>, followed by the optional <date> or <place> elements.
This may then be followed by <note> or <sourceref> zero or more times in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element describes the characteristics of an individual.
May occur within This may occur within <persdesc> only.
May contain This element may contain an optional <head> element, followed by <sex> and <descentry> which may occur zero or more times in any order.
This may be followed by <address>, <chronlist>, <list>, <note>, <table> or <blockquote> zero or more times in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element describes a family.
May occur within This may occur within <desc> only.
May contain This element may contain an optional <head> element followed by <legalstatus>, <location> or <descentry> zero or more times in any order.
This may then be followed by <funactdesc>, <assetstruct>, <env> or <ocd> zero or more times in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element describes a biography or history of a person, family or corporation.
May occur within This may occur within <desc> only.
May contain This element may contain an optional <head> element.
This may be followed by <address>, <chronlist>, <list>, <note>, <table>, <blockquote>, <biohist> or <didentifier> one or more times in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element describes a general descriptive entry about the subject of the EAC document.
May occur within This element may occur within <corpdesc>, <causa>, <funactdesc>, <assetstruct>, <env>, <ocd>, <persdesc>, <character> or <famdesc>.
May contain This element may contain <value> followed by the optional elements of <date> and <place>.
This may then be followed by <note> or <sourceref> zero or more times in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element may contain a quantitive value.
May occur within This may occur within <corptype>, <legalstatus>, <sex> or <descentry>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>, zero or more times in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
valueauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
valuekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element describes the maintenance history of the EAC document.
May occur within This may occur within <eacheader> only.
May contain This may contain one or more <mainevent> elements.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes an event within the maintainence history within the EAC document.
May occur within This may occur within <mainhist> only.
May contain This may contain zero or more of the following in any order <name>, <maindate> or <maindesc>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
maintype - Choice #REQUIRED (create, update, delete, import)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes the maintainance done on the EAC document.
May occur within This may occur within <mainevent> only.
May contain This may contain PCADTA or zero or more of the following in any order <address>, <chronlist>, <list>, <note>, <table>, <blockquote>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr>, <expan>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <date>, <num>, <place>, <corpname>, <famname>, <persname>, <funact>, <subject>, <genreform>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title> or <archref>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the date of the maintainance of the EAC document.
May occur within This may occur within <mainevent> only.
May contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <emph>, <lb>, <abbr>, <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
calendar - Default "gregorian" CDATA normal - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes the language in which the EAC document is written.
May occur within This may occur within <eacheader> only.
May contain This may contain one or more <language> elements.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a single language that may occur within the document.
May occur within This may occur within <languagedecl> only.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <emph>, <lb>, <abbr>, <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
languagecode - #IMPLIED CDATA
scriptcode - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element describes any rules or procedures associated with the EAC document.
May occur within This may occur within <eacheader> only.
May contain This may contain one or more <rule> elements.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes an individual rule relating to the EAC document.
May occur within This may occur within <ruledecl> only.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <emph>, <lb>, <abbr>, <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
sysaddress - #IMPLIED Entity
countrycode - #IMPLIED CDATA
ownercode - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This element denotes sources referred to within the EAC document.
May occur within This may occur within the <eacheader> only.
May contain This may contain one or more <source> elements.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes a single source.
May occur within This may occur within <sourcedecl>, <eacrel>, <resourcerel> or <funactrel>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <sourceinfo>, <name>, <title>, <edition>, <imprint>, <bibseries> or <note>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
sysaddress - #IMPLIED Entity
countrycode - #IMPLIED CDATA
ownercode - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This is the declaration of authority within the header.
May occur within The <eacheader> only.
May contain One or more <auth> only.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes a single authority.
May occur within This may occur within <authdecl> only.
May contain PCDATA and zero or more of the following in any order <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
type - Choice #IMPLIED (type, value, both)
sysaddress - #IMPLIED Entity
countrycode - #IMPLIED CDATA
ownercode - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a name within a bibliographical reference.
May occur within This may occur within <bib> and <mus>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA and zero or more of the following in any order <part>, <ignore>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> and <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
valueauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
valuekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the imprint of a book within the bibliography.
May occur within This may occur within <bib> and <mus>.
May contain This element may contain zero or more of the following in any order <place>, <publisher> or <date>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the publisher of a text within the bibliography.
May occur within This may occur within <imprint> only.
May contain This element may contain PCDATA and zero or more of the following in any order <emph>, <lb>, <abbr>, <expan>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title> or <archref>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the title of a text within a bibliography.
May occur within This may occur within <bib> and <mus>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA and zero or more of the following in any order <num>, <date>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
render - #IMPLIED (bold, italic, bolditalic, boldunderline, boldsmcaps, boldquoted nonproport, altrender, quoted, smcaps, sub, super, underline)
targetout - #IMPLIED ENTITY
type (simple) "simpe" #FIXED
arcrole - #IMPLIED CDATA
show - Choice (new, replace, embed)
actuate - #IMPLIED (onLoad, OnRequest)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes an edition of a text within the bibliography.
May occur within This may occur within <bib> and <mus>.
May contain PCDATA and zero or more of the following in any order <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This is used in a bibliography when the text is part of a series.
May occur within This may occur within <bib> and <mus>.
May contain PCDATA and zero or more of the following in any order <num>, <title>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a paragraph.
May occur within <causa>, <funactdesc>, <assetstruct>, <env>, <ocd>, <persdesc>, <character>, <blockquote> or <biohist>.
May contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <address>, <chronlist>, <list>, <note>, <table>, <blockquote>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr>, <expan>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title> or <archref>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This element denotes a line break.
May occur within <maindate>, <funact>, <value>, <legalid>, <didentifier>, <usedate>, <sourceref>, <emph>, <num>, <archref>, <bibref>, <arc>, <resource>, <caption>, <head01>, <head02>, <head03>,<physdesc>, <dimensions>, <physfacet>, <extent>, <language>, <addressline>, <origination>, <repository>, <subarea>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, <unittitle>, <container>, <physloc>, <abstract>, <date>, <altdate>, <place>, <nameadd>, <subject>, <genreform>, <part>, <ignore>, <rule>, <auth>, <name>, <publisher>, <title>, <edition>, <bibseries> or <head>.
May contain This element is empty.
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes an emphasised section of text.
May occur within <maindate>, <funact>, <value>, <legalid>, <didentifier>, <usedate>, <sourceref>, <emph>, <num>, <archref>, <bibref>, <arc>, <resource>, <caption>, <head01>, <head02>, <head03>,<physdesc>, <dimensions>, <physfacet>, <extent>, <language>, <addressline>, <origination>, <repository>, <subarea>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, <unittitle>, <container>, <physloc>, <abstract>, <date>, <altdate>, <place>, <nameadd>, <subject>, <genreform>, <part>, <ignore>, <rule>, <auth>, <name>, <publisher>, <title>, <edition>, <bibseries> or <head>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>, zero or more times in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
render - #IMPLIED (bold, italic, bolditalic, boldunderline, boldsmcaps, boldquoted nonproport, altrender, quoted, smcaps, sub, super, underline)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes an abbreviation of a word or phrase.
May occur within <maindate>, <funact>, <value>, <legalid>, <didentifier>, <usedate>, <sourceref>, <emph>, <num>, <archref>, <bibref>, <arc>, <resource>, <caption>, <head01>, <head02>, <head03>,<physdesc>, <dimensions>, <physfacet>, <extent>, <language>, <addressline>, <origination>, <repository>, <subarea>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, <unittitle>, <container>, <physloc>, <abstract>, <date>, <altdate>, <place>, <nameadd>, <subject>, <genreform>, <part>, <ignore>, <rule>, <auth>, <name>, <publisher>, <title>, <edition>, <bibseries> or <head>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA only.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This expresses an expansion of an abbreviated word.
May occur within <maindate>, <funact>, <value>, <legalid>, <didentifier>, <usedate>, <sourceref>, <emph>, <num>, <archref>, <bibref>, <arc>, <resource>, <caption>, <head01>, <head02>, <head03>,<physdesc>, <dimensions>, <physfacet>, <extent>, <language>, <addressline>, <origination>, <repository>, <subarea>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, <unittitle>, <container>, <physloc>, <abstract>, <date>, <altdate>, <place>, <nameadd>, <subject>, <genreform>, <part>, <ignore>, <rule>, <auth>, <name>, <publisher>, <title>, <edition>, <bibseries> or <head>.
May contain PCDATA only.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a number.
May occur within This may occur within <bibref>, <unittitle>, <title> or <bibseries>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>, zero or more times in any order.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes an indented quotation.
May occur within <ref>, <extref>, <item>, <event>, <sourceinfo>, <note>, <maindesc> or <p>.
May contain Any of the following zero or more times in any order <address>, <chronlist>, <list>, <note>, <table> or <p>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a reference to another element within the same document.
May occur within This may occur within <archref>, <bibref>, <addressline>, <origination>, <repository>, <subarea>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, <unittitle>, <container>, <physloc>, <abstract>, <publisher>, <physdesc>, <dimensions>, <extent> or <physfacet>.
May contain This element may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <bibref>, <title>, <extref>, <archref>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr>, <expan>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <address>, <chronlist>, <list>, <note> or <table>.
Attributes targetin - #IMPLIED ENTITY
type (simple) "simpe" #FIXED
arcrole - #IMPLIED CDATA
show - Choice (new, replace, embed)
actuate - #IMPLIED (onLoad, OnRequest)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This points to another element within the same document.
May occur within This may occur within <archref>, <bibref>, <addressline>, <origination>, <repository>, <subarea>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, <unittitle>, <container>, <physloc>, <abstract>, <publisher>, <physdesc>, <dimensions>, <extent>, <head01>, <head02>, <head03> or <physfacet>.
May contain This element is empty.
Attributes targetin - #IMPLIED ENTITY
type (simple) "simpe" #FIXED
arcrole - #IMPLIED CDATA
show - Choice (new, replace, embed)
actuate - #IMPLIED (onLoad, OnRequest)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes an extended pointer, in other words, it points to an external document.
May occur within This may occur within <archref>, <bibref>, <addressline>, <origination>, <repository>, <subarea>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, <unittitle>, <container>, <physloc>, <abstract>, <publisher>, <physdesc>, <dimensions>, <extent>, <head01>, <head02>, <head03> or <physfacet>.
May contain This element is empty.
Attributes targetout - #IMPLIED ENTITY
type (simple) "simpe" #FIXED
arcrole - #IMPLIED CDATA
show - Choice (new, replace, embed)
actuate - #IMPLIED (onLoad, OnRequest)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes an external reference.
May occur within This may occur within <archref>, <extref>, <bibref>, <addressline>, <origination>, <repository>, <subarea>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, <unittitle>, <container>, <physloc>, <abstract>, <publisher>, <physdesc>, <dimensions>, <extent> or <physfacet>.
May contain This element may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <bibref>, <title>, <extref>, <archref>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr>, <expan>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <address>, <chronlist>, <list>, <note> or <table>.
Attributes targetout - #IMPLIED ENTITY
type (simple) "simpe" #FIXED
arcrole - #IMPLIED CDATA
show - Choice (new, replace, embed)
actuate - #IMPLIED (onLoad, OnRequest)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This describes an archival reference.
May occur within This may occur within <ref>, <extref>, <bibref>, <addressline>, <origination>, <repository>, <subarea>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, <unittitle>, <container>, <physloc>, <abstract>, <publisher>, <physdesc>, <dimensions>, <extent> or <physfacet>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <bibref>, <ref>, <title>, <extref>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr>, <expan>, <abstract>, <physdesc>, <note>, <repository>, <origination>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, <unittitle>, <container> or <physloc>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
targetout - #IMPLIED ENTITY
type (simple) "simpe" #FIXED
arcrole - #IMPLIED CDATA
show - Choice (new, replace, embed)
actuate - #IMPLIED (onLoad, OnRequest)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a bibliographical reference.
May occur within This may occur within <ref>, <extref>, <archref>, <addressline>, <origination>, <repository>, <subarea>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, <unittitle>, <container>, <physloc>, <abstract>, <publisher>, <physdesc>, <dimensions>, <extent> or <physfacet>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <edition>, <imprint>, <name>, <num>, <bibseries>, <ref>, <title>, <famname>, <persname>, <corpname>, <extref>, <archref>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
targetout - #IMPLIED ENTITY
type (simple) "simpe" #FIXED
arcrole - #IMPLIED CDATA
show - Choice (new, replace, embed)
actuate - #IMPLIED (onLoad, OnRequest)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This describes a group of links.
May occur within This may occur within <addressline>, <origination>, <repository>, <subarea>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, <unittitle>, <container>, <physloc>, <abstract>, <publisher>, <physdesc>, <dimensions>, <extent> or <physfacet>.
May contain This may contain zero or more of the following in any order <locator>, <arc>, <resource> or <caption>.
Attributes xlink (extended) - Default "extended" #FIXED
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This acts as a locator within the link group.
May occur within This may occur within <linkgrp> only.
May contain This element is empty.
Attributes xlink (locator) - Default "locator" #FIXED
targetin - #IMPLIED IDREF
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the route of the link.
May occur within This may occur within <linkgrp> only.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes xlink (arc) - Default "arc" #FIXED
arcrole - #IMPLIED CDATA
show - Choice #IMPLIED (new, replace, embed)
actuate - Choice #IMPLIED (onLoad, OnRequest)
/> title - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the type of resource within a link group.
May occur within This may occur within <linkgrp> only.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes xlink (resource) - "resource" #FIXED
label - "default" CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a caption for the link group.
May occur within This may occur within <linkgrp> only.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes xlink (title) - "title" #FIXED
langaugecode - #IMPLIED CDATA
scriptcode - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This defines a list.
May occur within <item>, <note>, <causa>, <funactdesc>, <env>, <ocd>, <character>, <bioghist>, <maindesc>, <p>, <blockquote>, <ref>, <extref>, <event> or <assetstruct>.
May contain This may contain an optional <head> element followed by either one or more <item> elements or by the optional <headlist> element followed by the required element <items>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
type - Choice #IMPLIED (simple, deflist, marked, ordered)
numeration - Choice #IMPLIED (arabic, upperalpha, loweralpha, upperroman, lowerroman)
continuation - Choice #IMPLIED (continues, starts)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a heading of a list.
May occur within This may occur within <list> only.
May contain May contain <head01> followed by <head02>, both of which are optional elements.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes an item within a list.
May occur within This may occur within <list> only.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <address>, <chronlist>, <list>, <note>, <table>, <blockquote>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr>, <expan>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <date>, <num>, <place>, <corpname>, <famname>, <persname>, <funact>, <subject> or <genreform>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes a group of items within a list.
May occur within This may occur within <list> only.
May contain This may contain <item> followed by <item>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a chronological list.
May occur within
May contain This may contain an optional <head>, followed by an optional <chronhead>.
These may be followed by the required <chronitem> element.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a heading within a chronological list.
May occur within This may occur within <chronlist> only.
May contain This element may contain <head01> followed by <head02> and then followed by <head03>. All of these elements are optional.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a level one heading.
May occur within This may occur within <listhead> or <chronhead> only.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <ptr>, <extptr>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a level two heading.
May occur within This may occur within <listhead> or <chronhead> only.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <ptr>, <extptr>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a level three heading.
May occur within This may occur within <chronhead> only.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <ptr>, <extptr>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes an item within a chronological list.
May occur within This may occur within <chronlist> only.
May contain This may contain <date> followed by the optional element <place>.
These may then be followed by either <event> or <eventgrp>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This element denotes an event a chronology.
May occur within This may occur within <chronitem> or <eventgrp>.
May contain This element may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <address>, <chronlist>, <list>, <note>, <table>, <blockquote>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr>, <expan>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <corpname>, <famname>, <persname>, <funact>, <subject>, <genreform>, <date>, <num> and <place>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This describes a group of events within a chronological framework.
May occur within This may occur within <chronitem> only.
May contain This must contain the required element <event>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This represents the physical description of a document.
May occur within This may occur within <archref> or <arch>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <dimensions>, <physfacet>, <extent>, <date>, <corpname>, <famname>, <persname>, <funact>, <subject>, <genreform>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the actual physical dimensions of a document.
May occur within This may occur within <physdesc> only.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <dimensions>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes a particular physical aspect of the document which is of particular interest.
May occur within This may occur within <physdesc> only.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <date>, <corpname>, <famname>, <persname>, <funact>, <subject>, <genreform>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the extent of the document, ie the length of a text.
May occur within This may occur within <physdesc> only.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the origin of a source.
May occur within <arch> or <archref>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <corpname>, <famname>, <name>, <persname>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

Back to top

Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the repository that the document is from.
May occur within <arch> or <archref>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <address>, <corpname>, <name>, <subarea>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a section of the repository in which a document is kept.
May occur within This may occur within <repository> only.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This defines the date of a single document within a repository.
May occur within <unittitle>, <arch> or <archref>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
type - Choice #IMPLIED (bulk, inclusive, single)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This defines a unique ID number for a single document within a repository.
May occur within <arch> or <archref>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
sysaddress - #IMPLIED Entity
countrycode - #IMPLIED CDATA
ownercode - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This contains information for locating the document within the archive.
May occur within <arch> or <archref>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the physical location of a document within the archive ie the shelf or box where it is kept.
May occur within <arch> or <archref>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the title of a single document.
May occur within <arch> or <archref>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <unitdate>, <num>, <date>, <corpname>, <famname>, <persname>, <funact>, <subject>, <genreform>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes an abstract, or document summary.
May occur within <arch> or <archref>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This gives any additional information required about the source document.
May occur within <source> or <sourceref>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following elements in any order <emph>, <lb>, <abbr>, <expan>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <date>, <num>, <place>, <corpname>, <famname>, <persname>, <funact>, <subject> or <genreform>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This represents a date, usually in the form of YYYY-MM-DD.
May occur within <title>, <imprint>. <chronitem>, <physdesc>, <physfacet>, <unittitle>, <funactrel>, <corptype>, <legalstatus>, <location>, <sex>, <descentry>, <nameadds>, <eacrel>, <resourcerel>, <pershead>, <corphead>, <famhead>, <addressline>, <persname>, <corpname> or <famname>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <altdate>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
scope - Choice #IMPLIED (begin, end, active, begin-end)
form - Choice (single, rangeclosed, rangeopen)
era - Default "ea" CDATA
calendar - Default "gregorian" CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This offers an alternative date if the date is uncertain.
May occur within <date> or <usedate>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a geographical place or a jurisdiction.
May occur within <arc>, <imprint>. <chronitem>, <pershead>, <corphead>, <famhead>, <addressline>, <persname>, <corpname> or <famname>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <part>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
placetype - Choice #IMPLIED (geog, juris)
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
valueauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
valuekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a personal name.
May occur within <bibref>, <origination>, <eacrel>, <physdesc>, <physfacet> or <unittitle>.
May contain This may contain one or more instances of <part>, followed by zero or more occurrences of <date>, <place> or <nameadd>.
This may be followed by an optional <usedate>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a corporate name.
May occur within <bibref>, <origination>, <eacrel>, <repository>, <physdesc>, <physfacet> or <unittitle>.
May contain This may contain one or more instances of <part>, followed by zero or more occurrences of <date>, <place> or <nameadd>.
This may be followed by an optional <usedate>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a family name.
May occur within <bibref>, <origination>, <eacrel>, <physdesc>, <physfacet> or <unittitle>.
May contain This may contain one or more instances of <part>, followed by zero or more occurrences of <date>, <place> or <nameadd>.
This may be followed by an optional <usedate>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes an addition to a name.
May occur within <pershead>, <corphead>, <famhead>, <persname>, <corpname> or <famname>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the subject of a document within a repository.
May occur within <physdesc>, <physfacet> or <unittitle>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <part>, <ignore>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
valueauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
valuekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the form or genre of a document.
May occur within <physdesc>, <physfacet> or <unittitle>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <part>, <ignore>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
valueauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
valuekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a component of heading or other segemented entry.
May occur within <leaglid>, <place>, <subject>, <genreform>, <funact>, <name>, <pershead>, <corphead>, <famhead>, <persname>, <corpname> or <famname>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <ignore>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This is used for for characters used in headings or other entries that are to be ignored in sorting, indexing, display, or combinations.
May occur within <place>, <subject>, <genreform>, <funact>, <name> or <part>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <emph>, <lb>, <abbr> or <expan>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
type - Choice #IMPLIED (i, s, d, di, is, ds, all)
authorized - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes an address.
May occur within <repository>, <location>, <ref>, <extref>, <item>, <event>, <sourceinfo>, <note>, <maindesc>, <p>, <blockquote>, <causa>, <funactdesc>, <assetstruct>, <env>, <ocd>, <character> or <bioghist>.
May contain This may contain one or more of the required element <addressline>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a line within an address.
May occur within This may occur within <address> only.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <emph>, <lb>, <abbr>, <expan>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <corpname>, <famname>, <persname>, <funact>, <subject>, <genreform>, <date>, <num> or <place>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes any additional notes required.
May occur within <identity>, <persgrp>, <corpgrp>, <famgrp>, <eacrels>, <eacrel>, <resourcerels>, <resourcerel>, <funactrels>, <funactrel>, <pershead>, <famhead> or <corphead>.
May contain This may contain an optional <head> element followed by <note>, followed by <note> one or more times.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes a single note.
May occur within <arch>, <archref>, <source>, <bib>, <mus>, <identity>, <persgrp>, <corpgrp>, <famgrp>, <eacrels>, <eacrel>, <resourcerels>, <resourcerel>, <funactrels>, <funactrel>, <pershead>, <famhead> or <corphead>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <address>, <chronlist>, <list>, <note>, <table>, <emph>, <lb>, <abbr>, <expan>, <ptr>, <extptr>, <ref>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <bibref>, <title>, <archref>, <corpname>, <famname>, <persname>, <funact>, <subject>, <genreform>, <date>, <num> or <place>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a relationship between function or activity and the document.
May occur within <physdesc>, <physfacet>, <ubittitle> or <funactrel;>.
May contain This may contain PCDATA or zero or more of the following in any order <emph>, <lb>, <abbr>, <expan>, <part> or <ignore>.
Attributes id - ID #IMPLIED
audience - Choice #IMPLIED (internal, external)
altrender - #IMPLIED CDATA
typeauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
typekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
valueauth - #IMPLIED IDREF
valuekey - #IMPLIED CDATA
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a table.
May occur within <text> <ref>, <blockquote>, <maindesc>, <p>, <extref>, <item>, <event>, <sourceinfo> or <note>.
May contain <title> or the required <tgroup> element.
Attributes frame - Choice #IMPLIED (top, bottom, topbot, all, sides, none)
%tbl.table.att; %bodyatt;
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a table group.
May occur within <table> only.
May contain This may contain zero or more occurences of <colspec>. This may be followed by the optional element <thead>, followed by <tbody>.
Attributes cols - #REQUIRED NMTOKEN
align - Choice #IMPLIED (left, right, center, justify, char)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a column within a table.
May occur within <tgroup> only.
May contain This element is empty.
Attributes colnum - #IMPLIED NMTOKEN
colwidth - #IMPLIED CDATA
align - Choice #IMPLIED (left, right, center, justify, char)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This is a heading within a table.
May occur within This may occur within <table> only.
May contain This may contain the required element <row> one or more times.
Attributes valign - Choice #IMPLIED (top, middle, bottom)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes the body of a table.
May occur within This may occur within <table> only.
May contain This may contain the required element <row> one or more times.
Attributes valign - Choice #IMPLIED (top, middle, bottom)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This denotes a row within a table.
May occur within This may occur within <tbody> or <thead>.
May contain This must contain the required element <entry>.
Attributes rowsep - #IMPLIED NMTOKEN
valign - #IMPLIED (top, middle, bottom)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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Same as EAC


Element Description This describes an entry within a table.
May occur within This may occur within <row> only.
May contain This may contain <text>.
Attributes colname - #IMPLIED NMTOKEN
align - Choice #IMPLIED (left, right, center, justify, char)
valign - Choice #IMPLIED (top, middle, bottom)
LEADERS Usage This is used in accordance with EAC ALPHA Version. A full description of the BETA Version is available at http://www.iath.virginia.edu/eac/. BUT attention should be paid to the differences between versions identified at http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/eac/documentation/EACbeta_changes.html and to the notes above.

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