
Common Attributes Attributes for Rules and Sources Type Attributes Attributes for Values and Dates Metadata Attributes Language Attributes Attributes for Linking Attributes for Tables

Common Attributes

These attributes are the ones that occur most often and are found on the majority of elements.


Usage This attribute is used to supply a unique identification code for the contents of the element. This aids reference and enables linkages to be created.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents ID
Attribute Type Common

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Usage This denotes the intended audience of an element.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents "internal"
Attribute Type Common

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Usage This is used to denote the manner in which an element should be rendered.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Common

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Usage This is used in conjunction with the "encodinganalogsys" attribute within the EAC Header to describe the analog encoding system.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Common

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Attributes for Rules and Sources

These attributes are used to identify the sources of the element content and describe any rules or systems for encoding the document. It also describes any attributes that facilitate relationships within the document.


Usage This is used within the EAC Header to describe the system of analog encoding within the document and is used in conjunction with the "ea" attribute.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Rules

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Usage This denotes the system in which the information is encoded within the element.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents ENTITY
Attribute Type Rules

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Usage This provides a code for the designation of countries with the EAC Header.
Requirement Default "ISO 3166-1 a2"
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Rules

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Usage This gives a unique ID code for the country of origin of the source, relating to the EAC Header.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Rules

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Usage This gives a code within the EAC Header for the owner of the document or the repository where it is kept.
Requirement Default "ISO 15511"
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Sources

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Usage This defines a unique ID code for the owner of the source material or the repository where it resides.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Sources

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Usage This gives the encoding system a unique ID code.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents ENTITY
Attribute Type Rules

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Usage This is used within the <sourceref> element only, to give a unique ID to the source to which the element is referring.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents IDREF
Attribute Type Source

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Usage This denotes the type of relationship between the persons, families or corporations mentioned within the <eacrel> and any resource relations within the <resourcerel> element.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents "superordinate"
Attribute Type Relationships

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Usage This is used with the <source>, <origination>, <repository>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, <container>, <physloc>, <unittitle>, <abstract> and <physdesc> elements to denote a label for the element contents.
Requirement default "default"
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Sources

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Type Attributes

The set of type attributes are used to denote different type of the same element, in other words, to aid identifying elements with differing content.


Usage This allows the encoder to specify different types of the same element.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Within the EAC Header, the type attribute is #REQUIRED and used to distinguish whether the document is "c" - corporate, "p" - personal or "f" - family.
Within the <list> element, the choices for the type attribute are "simple", ", "deflist", ";marked", " ordered"
Within the <unitdate> element, the values are "bulk", "inclusive", "single".
Attribute Type Type

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Usage This allows a reference to be made back to an authority stated within the EAC Header in the <auth> element. The <auth> element ultimately leads to a resource that may be accessed via the Internet.
Requirement IDREF
Contents #IMPLIED
Attribute Type Type

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Usage This provides a unique ID for the authority (see above).
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Type

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Usage This is used to denote the type of heading and is used in <pershead>, <famhead> and <corphead>.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents "earlier"
Attribute Type Type

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Usage This attribute is used to describe the type of maintenance practiced upon the document and is used within the <mainevent> element.
Requirement #REQUIRED
Contents "create"
Attribute Type Type

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Usage This denotes whether the content of the <place> element is a geographical place or a jurisdiction.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents "geog"
Attribute Type Type

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Value Attributes

These describe elements that have a quantitive value, including dates.


Usage This allows a reference to be made back to an authority stated within the EAC Header in the <auth> element. The <auth> element ultimately leads to a resource that may be accessed via the Internet.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents IDREF
Attribute Type Value

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Usage This provides a unique ID for the authority (see above).
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Value

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Usage Within the <list> element, the numeration attribute is used to denote the type of numbering within the list.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents "arabic"
Attribute Type Value

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Usage This is used within the <list> element to denote the type of bullet points used in an unordered list.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Value

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Usage This is used within the <list> element to describe whether the list is starting or continuing from an earlier list.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents "starts"
Attribute Type Value

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Usage This is used within the <dimensions>, <physfacet> and <extent> elements to express the unit of measurement in which the document is represented.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Value

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Usage This is used within the EAC Header to denote the manner in which dates are represented.
Requirement Default "ISO 8601"
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Date

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Usage This denotes the scope of a range of dates.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents "begin"
Attribute Type Date

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Usage This describes the form of a date.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents "single"
Attribute Type Date

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Usage This denotes the era in which the date occurs.
Requirement Default "ce"
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Date

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Usage This denotes the type of calendar to which the date is relating.
Requirement Dfault "gregorian"
Contents #IMPLIED
Attribute Type Date

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Usage This contains the date.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Date

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Metadata Attributes

These attributes are used to describe the content of the document during its process of creation and modification.


Usage This is used within the EAC Header to denote the status of the document.
Requirement #REQUIRED
Contents "draft"
Attribute Type Metadata

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Usage This is used within the EAC Header to describe the level of detail present within the document.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Metadata

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Usage These expresses any rules applying to the document contents.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents IDREF
Attribute Type Metadata

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Usage This denotes the person who authorised any updates to the document.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Metadata

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Attributes for Languages

These attributes are used with language elements.


Usage This is used within the EAC Header to describe the language code value for the document.
Requirement "ISO 639-2b"
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Language

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Usage this gives a unique ID code for each language within the document which refers back to the information within the EAC Header.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Language

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Usage This gives the values of the script used with the EAC Header.
Requirement Default "ISO 15924"
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Language

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Usage This gives a unique code of any alternative alphabet is used.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Language

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Usage This is used with the <abbr> element to give the expanded form of an abbreviated word.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Language

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Usage This gives an abbreviated version of an expanded word within the <expan> element.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Language

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Usage This denotes the link type.
Requirement #Fixed
Contents "simple"
Attribute Type Links

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Usage This describes the target or address to which the link points.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Links

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Usage This describes the role or purpose of the link.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Links

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Usage This defines the relationship between the two linked resources.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Links

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Usage This gives the link a title or alternative name.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Links

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Usage This designates the manner in which the linked page is displayed, in other words whether in a new window or in the current window etc.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents "embed"
Attribute Type Links

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Usage This denotes when the link is activated, for example on clicking the link, or simply upon on opening the parent page.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents "onLoad"
Attribute Type Links

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Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents IDREF
Attribute Type Links

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Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents ENTITY
Attribute Type Links

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xlink (extended)

Usage This attribute is used with the <linkgrp> element and denotes an extended link.
Requirement #FIXED
Contents "extended"
Attribute Type Links

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xlink (locator)

Usage This is used with the <locator> element.
Requirement #FIXED
Contents "locator"
Attribute Type Links

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xlink (arc)

Usage This is used with the <arc> element to describe the route of the link.
Requirement #FIXED
Contents "arc"
Attribute Type Links

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xlink (title)

Usage This is used within the <caption> element in order to give the <linkgrp> a title.
Requirement #FIXED
Contents "title"
Attribute Type Links

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Table Attributes

These are attributes used in tables.


Usage This is used within the <table>, <colspec>, <entry> and <tgroup> elements.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents NMTOKEN
Attribute Type Table

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Usage This is used within the <table>, <colspec>, <entry> and <tgroup> elements.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents NMTOKEN
Attribute Type Table

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Usage This is used within the <tgroup>, <colspec> and <entry> elements and denotes the alignment of the table content.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents "left"
Attribute Type Table

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Usage Within the <colspec> element, this attribute denotes the number of the column within the table.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents NMTOKEN
Attribute Type Table

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Usage This gives the name of a column within <colspec> and <entry>.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents NMTOKEN
Attribute Type Table

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Usage This describes the width of a column within <colspec>.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Table

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Usage Within <colspec> and <entry>.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Table

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Usage Within <colspec> and <entry>.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents NMTOKEN
Attribute Type Table

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Usage This describes the vertical alignment within <thead>, <tbody>, <row> and <entry>.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents "top"
Attribute Type Table

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Usage Within <entry>, denoting when a name starts.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents NMTOKEN
Attribute Type Table

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Usage Within <entry>, denoting when a name ends.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents NMTOKEN
Attribute Type Table

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Usage Within <entry>.
Requirement IMPLIED
Contents NMTOKEN
Attribute Type Table

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